Come To Life Ministries

About Dave

Dave comes alongside and offers encouragement to ministry leaders, strengthens Great Commission and Great Commandment ministries within the local church, and seeks to help people see the Bible as alive and personally relevant.

Dave accomplishes these purposes through:

  1. C.O.M.E. (Coming Alongside & Offering Ministry Encouragement) to ministry leaders.
  2. To have God and His Word (the Bible) Come To Life in people’s lives.
  3. Pastoral Care.
  • Coaching
  • Encouragement
  • Ministry_Networking
  • Partnering
  • Pastoral_Care2


1979 – Triton Jr. College – Associates Degree in Data Processing 1985 – Moody Bible Institute – Bachelors of Arts in Christian Education (Youth Emphasis)

Ministry Experience:

1980 – 1983 – served as local church Youth Leader/Director 1983 – 1990, ’93-’94 – served in various churches as Youth Pastor 1990 – 1992, ’95-’03 – served as Regional Youth Minister – coaching, training, speaking… 2004 – present – Executive Director of Come To Life Ministries

Meditate Memorize


Joshua 1:8 and Psalm 1:2 says to ‘meditate’ on God’s Word (the Bible). Bible M&M’s will give you a tool to reflect on a verse with several translations to compare (from When I think of ‘meditate’, I think of reflecting on, pondering, considering how I can live that or put it into practice, etc. I found this helpful to print out and put up on a wall to see throughout the week. Sometimes I’d circle certain words that help me think about the Lord and His Word throughout the day – how I can love Him more, to experience the joy and peace He provides, etc. The various translations help expand our knowledge and application of the text.

Final Thoughts:

You’ll notice that in many cases, verses will be used from the same chapter and book. It will help us meditate and memorize with the flow that the Bible provides. Each M&M can be used with a group – for instance I used verse set #1 not only for myself, but also with a college small group I lead. We reviewed what we knew each week (both for memory, and which words jumped out at us while meditating), then added a verse each week until we finished it! If there are other translations that you prefer that aren’t included with Bible M&M’s, go ahead and use them. Many translations are available via Bottom line – get to know the author (God – Father, Son, Holy Spirit) – John 17:3!


Psalm 119:11 talks about hiding God’s word in our hearts. Jesus is tempted by Satan in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13. In each of the three temptations, Jesus responds with scripture. Thus, it’s wise to not just memorize God’s Word, but also to put it into practice. Bible M&M’s is a tool that could help you memorize Bible verses. Choose a translation and copy/paste the verses onto the same page on your own. Then you can carry them in your pocket to review anytime you choose.  Example verse set #1 (NLT)

M&M Files


Booklings are quotes from books that would benefit Christians (especially ministry leaders), as they serve the Lord.  As ducklings are small ducks, booklings are small portions of books. I have been active in ministry (volunteer and vocational) for over 30 years.  These are quotes I’ve found beneficial for my walk with Christ and the ministries I’m involved with.  I realize other ministry leaders would benefit from these quotes as well. There is no income from this.  They will be on the Come To Life Ministries website, and can be emailed to anyone who requests them. I hope that after people read the Bookling, they would choose to obtain the book and read it themselves.  I’d also encourage readers to check out other fine resources from these publishers that will enrich their walk with the Lord.  The publishers currently used with Booklings include:


Bookling Files

#2 - His Word in my Heart23.9 KiB1044
#1 - A Journey to Victorious Praying227.8 KiB1199

Coaching Corner

Catch a few words of wisdom from sports coaches who inspire their teams.

Dave compiles quotes that not only deal with sports but also deal with life issues as well.  Periodically through out the year, Dave compiles about 4 or 5 quotes.  Enjoy!

Coaching Capsule Files

Vol43-Jan-Mar'1247.5 KiB778
Vol42-Oct-Dec'1146.9 KiB742
Vol41-Apr-Sep1147.6 KiB687
Vol40-Jan-Mar1136.0 KiB688
Vol39-Oct-Dec1035.8 KiB700
Vol38-Jul-Sep1029.0 KiB1553
Vol37-John Wooden Tribute38.5 KiB680
Vol35-NovDec0937.5 KiB712
Vol34-SepOct0937.6 KiB793
Vol33Aug0927.0 KiB1497
Vol32JuneJuly0927.5 KiB1322
Vol31AprMay0928.0 KiB1445
Vol30-Feb Mar0929.0 KiB1365
Vol2928.0 KiB1410
Vol2727.0 KiB1438
Vol2627.5 KiB1171
Vol2527.0 KiB1117
Vol2426.0 KiB1029
Vol2326.5 KiB1023
Vol2228.0 KiB1136
Vol2128.0 KiB1103
Vol20SuperBowl26.5 KiB1185
Vol1827.5 KiB1174
Vol1726.0 KiB1202
Vol1627.0 KiB1206
Vol1527.0 KiB1191
Vol1426.5 KiB1251
Vol1326.5 KiB1191
Vol1225.0 KiB1090
Vol1126.0 KiB1317
Vol1027.0 KiB1342
Vol09-Specl Super Bowl Ed30.0 KiB1337
Vol0825.0 KiB1326
Vol0726.0 KiB1327
Vol0626.0 KiB1325
Vol0527.5 KiB1252
Vol0421.0 KiB1199
Vol0220.5 KiB1448
Vol0121.5 KiB1385


  • Choose an appropriate Bible translation you’re already familiar with, but it does not have to be the same one each time.
  • Start slow and have fun with it! Don’t be too hard on yourself!
  • Encourage your family & friends to join you! Review with someone weekly or monthly…

As you review, be ready for prompts from the Holy Spirit (a word, thought, phrase, or verse He’d like you to remember, meditate on/think about). Thank the Lord for that prompt! That’s one way that God and the Bible comes to life! Tell someone about it & pray together!



Think of Bible verses you already know (one verse, or two together) (choose an appropriate Bible translation) STEP 1 Pick one verse that you wrote down – circle it. STEP 2 Think about it (review/repeat) off & on thru the day for AT LEAST a week to a month or longer (as God leads). Sometimes repeat it slowly, for maximum meaning & benefit! This is a way we ‘meditate’ on God’s word “day & night“. STEP 3 Look at verses before & after the one you’re reviewing. Keep context in mind (chapter, book, author, etc.). Check other translations for word differences. Read commentaries.

As you review, be ready for prompts from the Holy Spirit about a keyword or phrase in the verse. You may be reminded about other verses, hymns, spiritual songs, etc. with a similar theme! Review them too, and thank the Lord for His prompt(s)! That’s one way the Bible comes to life! Tell someone about it and pray together! Develop a disciple-making friendship with the person(s)!

STEP 4 Then the next week, month, (whenever God leads you), choose another verse you already know and do STEP 2 & 3.

Verses of Comfort

These are verses that Dave has found comforting in times of trouble or loss.

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